1. Call to Order: Bernie called the meeting to order at 7:06 pm.
2. Roll Call:
Present: Kirk Allison, Bernie Corona, Vincent Parys, J. Roger Pelletier, David Whalen, Paul Barry
Absent: Dominic Fulco, Jr., Mary-Ann Roczynski, Linda Carrasquillo
3. Approval of Minutes:
March 5, 2012 – Paul made a motion to accept the minutes, 2nd by Dave Motion carried.
4. Old Business:
- Paul stated that the Welcome Vietnam Veteran’s event on March 31, 2012 at the State Armory was well attended. The Governor and Lt. Governor attended and spoke briefly. There were a few things that could have been better, but all in all it was a good event.
- Vinny stated that the Wounded Warrior Program benefit charity hockey game held on March 31, 2012 had a good turnout and raised a good amount of donation funds. The East Hartford Police beat the Fire Dept. 13-0. It was a nice event.
- Bicentennial Square – Bernie handed out a letter he drafted regarding possibly changing the name to Fallen Heroes Bicentennial Square to incorporate EH Police and Firemen who have given their lives in the line of duty. The Commissioners like the draft but also discussed how to approach the Mayor and Town Council and if there was support, if the suggested name was adequate, the possibility of having a separate section for police and firemen, etc. The Commissioners wanted more time to think about it so the matter was tabled to the next meeting.
5. New Business:
- Bernie passed out miscellaneous information on veteran’s issues/benefits including: Dept of Vet Affairs burial allowances, Veterans mortgage relief programs, a veterans housing grant that was awarded to Hartford, and how healthcare reform affect veterans.
6. Adjournment – Bernie made a motion, seconded by Dave to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:41 p.m.
The next meeting will be May 7, 2012 in the Town Council Chamber.
Respectfully submitted,
Tatia Lewis, Clerk
Minutes Subject to Approval
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